Friday, January 11, 2008

Immortal Silence

I hear
Voices in my head...

They Mumble something
Something so Inaudible

They say
They are the Children of Silence...

They sing
Their rhythm resonates...

The lyrics though not Comprehensable
The meaning though Obscure

The beats force my heart
To drench in the Enigma of the moment...

This Music of Silence shall forever bestow
In my Mind, Body and Soul...

I shall betray this Immortal Silence
To speak a Word,
A Name,
Only once
And that is when i lay
Next to my Epitaph...


Aman said...

I think I can relate to this piece a lot. Is this what fuels your creativity? Are you at peace with these children of silence or are you sick of 'em?

Shriyaa said...

Oh i very much love them!
Yes they are the ones who provoke the best within me...