Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Architect of the Cosmos

The day i was born
A tiny pink soul,
He witnessed my squeals;
He witnessed my tears;
And at times witnessed
When i fell to
My soft little paws...

Yet, he did nothing
But was
Waiting and Watching.

I grew into a Child,
Unaware of the World
He heard my tricycles tring-g-ling;
He heard my heart sing;
And at times heard me Sob
When i fell short of
Enough love...

Yet he did nothing
But was
Waiting and Watching.

The child grew into a Rebel,
Grounded by the Evil's air.
He saw me rip away my Innocence;
He saw me as a maniac riding storms;
And at times he saw me
Confused with the insanity
In search of my True Self...

Yet he did nothing
But was
Waiting and Watching.

The rebel turned to a Lover,
Blinded by Untamed Ardor.
He felt my heart flourish with Passion;
He felt my desire to savour Devotion ;
And at times he felt
My helpless efforts
To veil my Affection...

Yet he did nothing
But was
Waiting and Watching.

The Lover is now a Philosopher,
Hidden under the Poetic Disguise.
He stands across, on the other side;
He stands holding the Wand of Light;
And he still stands motionless
When i crawl up to his feet
pleading him to Embrace me...

Yet he does nothing.
But is
Waiting and Watching.


Nathan said...


I'm waiting . . . watching . . . and embracing you and your words.

Powerful, truly.

Shriyaa said...

There are times when you can go upto Any possible extent to please someone, or make him smile, or atleast create some amount of warmth in his cold heart, yet, his heart of coal doesnt heed your serenade. He is stone hearted, even though his hands are so soft. He is a saddist, even though he gave you life. He is an animal dressed in a heavenly robe.

But as soon as you give up, you dont realise how close the destination is. And that last step to victory is never taken by you, its always that little angel who pushs you onto the other side...

Manish said...

unbelievably strong pouring of thoughts!!!

Shriyaa said...

Well Mannu,
For this particular poem, i'd say feelings and not thoughts that generated it... :)

Thank you very much for your time and appriciation.

Nathan said...

Missing you.

Nathan said...


I haven't heard from you in a while, so I just wanted to check on you and make sure everything is well with you.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Shriyaa said...

Yes, things are pretty under control for the time being.

I was out of town and didnt have an access to the net, so sorry for my absence.

AbodhBalok said...

I think, it is like a mirror, this feeling of yours,
For it never really stands there and watches, it does everything that you strongly want it to do.
Detachment from the image is the Key, indeed, but becoming unaware is not.
That which is beyond your understanding is something of which you are grossly unaware of, and everything that has a place in your knowledge is something that you have understood.

Aman said...

Excellent piece. Awe Inspiring.

Shriyaa said...

Thank you :)